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Home Boxed

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About me

Hello! I’m Laura Anderson

I am a psychologist and my goal is to partner with you to enhance the quality of your life. Whether you are dealing with something specific or are seeking increased satisfaction and balance in life, I’m here to help.
i say hallo and

What I Offer

Per Te

Per Te

Per la realizzazione di te come adulto, sano, felice, uomo o donna

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In Famiglia

In Famiglia

Per mantenere o ripristinare l’armonia familiare, anche in momenti difficili

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Nel Lavoro

Nel Lavoro

Per ottenere il proprio miglior rendimento e realizzazione nelle situazioni di lavoro

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Per le aziende

Per le aziende

Formazione in Comunicazione e risoluzione di problemi in ambito aziendale

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My Methods

[cq_vc_draggabletimeline avatarstyle=”icon” avataricons=”fa-heart,fa-heart,fa-heart,fa-heart,fa-heart” avatarshape=”circle” avatarlabels=”1957,1962,1974,2006,2015″ contenttitles=”Trauma/Abuse/PTSD,Anxiety and depression,Grief and Bereavement,Relationship Issues,Parenting Issues” windowcolor=”green” iconbgcolors=”#27abb7,#27abb7,#27abb7,#27abb7,#27abb7″ defaultbarbgcolor=”#27abb7″ draggingbarbgcolor=”#445455″ autoplay=”yes” activeiconcolor=”#dd3333″ isdragbutton=”no” contaienrwidth=”100%”]

Mental trauma, child abuse and PTSD psychological issues research and study.
Social anxiety, panic attacs and stress patients treatment based on researches.
Coping with grief, depression because of loss or all types of tragedies & failures.
Intimate, personal romantic relationship callenges discussion and couple therapy.
Working with families, single mothers and children to avoid problematic cases.


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what i treat


  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Trauma/Abuse/PTSD
  • Relationships Issues
  • Substance Abuse
  • Parenting Issues
  • Parenting Issues
  • Stress and Lifestyle Management
  • Grief and Bereavement
  • Phase of Life Transitions
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From the blog

What’s New?

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Where I treat

My Gallery

  • Comfortable Setting
  • Individual Approach
  • Inviting Atmosphere
  • Clients' Feedback
  • Pshychology Courses
  • Couples' Therapy
  • Successful Stories
  • Business Strategy
  • Child Psychology
  • Group Therapy
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Being a single mom makes your life miserable. If it wasn't for a psychologist, I would have lost it. Now I know it is never too late to ask for help. Thank you, Doctor. It really worked.

Hilary Thompson, mother of two

Most of the time we do not realize how great the life is. Dr. Laura Anderson helps people start feeling alive and believe in themselves! I appreciate your time and professional service!

Martin Fischer, office manager

I recommend this doctor to all my friends. With the help of your books and blog articles I was able to find answers to many questions. It feels great to know what you want in life.

Anna Smith, student
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Couples & relationship


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[vc_cta h2=”Speak With a Clinic Specialist and
Schedule a Visit Now!” h2_font_container=”font_size:3.625em|line_height:1.276″ h2_use_theme_fonts=”yes” txt_align=”center” shape=”square” color=”white” css=”.vc_custom_1461338680492{background-image: url( !important;}” use_custom_fonts_h2=”true” el_class=”large_cta”]Make an Appointment[/vc_cta]
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Books on psychology


[products columns=”4″ orderby=”date” order=”DESC” ids=”212, 210, 209, 208″]
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my activity in the


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